Telehealth: Physical Therapy

There was a time when doctors made house calls and delivered babies in the home. The world has enlarged and life has become busier making house calls a thing of the past.  Now there is a new avenue that will allow healthcare providers to see you in the comfort of your own home. This new method is called Telehealth. 

Telehealth. What is it and What does that word mean? The Dictionary defines Telehealth as “the provision of healthcare remotely by means of telecommunication technology.” The world of telehealth expands our access to quality healthcare. Technology is advancing rapidly and allowing for face to face interaction and possible diagnostic tools that can be used remotely.

The Benefits. You have a doctor you connect with,  you can see them from anywhere. There is a specialist across the country, you can now schedule a face to face meeting. The kids are napping, you can attend a telehealth visit while they nap. Don’t want to take time off from work, schedule a visit during lunch. This is just naming a few of the benefits to using Telehealth.

Can you see a physical Therapist via Telehealth? Physical Therapy is among the list of healthcare providers offering Telehealth options. Telehealth allows you to connect when it is difficult to attend an office visit. Have you ever stopped physical therapy due to relocating, going on vacation, or traveling for work? You can now continue your physical therapy with no gaps in your care. Have you ever wanted to consult with a physical therapist to determine if seeing a physician or a therapist first is the best option? Now you can attend physical therapy from the comfort of your home, gym, office, and hotel room.

What to expect with a telehealth visit. A one on one attentive session for the following: Evaluation, consultation, education, training, advancement of exercises, and instruction in self-treatment techniques.

Telehealth at Lifestyle Physical Therapy. At Lifestyle Physical Therapy, LLC Telehealth physical therapy is being offered for: consultation to determine appropriateness for physical therapy, chronic pain treatment, Chronic pain education, Early intervention for injury, follow up treatments, prevention and wellness, and progression of exercises between therapy visits. If you are in NC, SC, or VA we can provide telehealth physical therapy. Call our offices or send us an e-mail to set up a telehealth visit. If you are in another state place telehealth physical therapy in your search engine as there are many providers in each state. The sooner you can access physical therapy the fewer visits you will need to complete your rehabilitation. Taking care of a seemingly simple injury such as an ankle sprain can save you from future injuries resulting in avoidable costly healthcare expenses. Contact us at 803-831-1454 or e-mail us at  [email protected]. Visit our website at

This article is for education only. This information is not intended to replace the advice or evaluation of a healthcare provider. An evaluation is highly skilled and complex and involves an evaluation of different systems and elements to determine the best approach for each individual. Always follow the instructions of your physical therapist or physician in regards to your personal exercise program.