6 Signs that your low back pain is a disc herniation

Muscle Strain, Bulging Disc, or Disc Herniation

Are you experiencing low back pain and have wondered how I know if I have a bulging disc, herniated disc, or muscle strain. See the following signs and symptoms to help you understand your low back pain.

Muscle strain

  • Pain with movement only
  • Traumatic event prior to experiencing pain
  • Improves with moist heat
  • Improves with NSAIDS

Bulging Disc

  • Sharp or burning pain in the center of the back or just to the side of the spine
  • Pain is worse when sitting
  • Pain worse with forward bending movement in sitting or standing

Disc Herniation

  • Burning or sharp pain that goes into the buttock or leg down the back or front of the leg
  • Pain worse with sitting and standing
  • Pain worse with sneezing, coughing, or during bowel movement
  • Numbness in leg
  • Weakness in leg
  • Loss of bowel and bladder function

When should you seek immediate medical attention? This is a Medical Emergency go tho the ER

  • If you are experiencing loss of bowel and bladder function
  • Numbness in leg
  • Muscle weakness in the leg
  • Paralysis of muscles in the leg
  • numbness in both inner thigh region

Back Pain Statistics

If you are experiencing low back pain, you are not alone. According to Georgetown Unversity, 65 million Americans complain of experiencing low back pain in a year. Low back pain is the leading cause of missed work days and results in high medical costs. You can learn more at https://hpi.georgetown.edu/backpain/.

Who Can Treat Low Back Pain?

  • Physical Therapist
  • Chiropractors
  • Neurologist
  • Primary Care Doctors
  • ER for Emergencies

At Lifestyle Physical Therapy, Our Doctors of Physical Therapy are experienced and will evaluate you to see if physical therapy or seeing a neurologist is the best immediate treatment plan. Don’t suffer from back pain there is hope to return to an active Lifestyle without back pain.

To Set up an appointment text or call 803-831-1454. Tarsha and Sydnee are ready to take your call.

These tips are not to replace recommendations by your physical therapist or physician. Never start a new exercise routine without consulting your physician, physical therapist, or personal trainer.